The baby is crying, you need to walk Johnny to the bus stop, the dryer just buzzed letting you know it’s time to fold (again), and you haven’t posted a blog in 2 weeks? What do you do?
YouTube 10 Minute Blog Post | | @momwithahook
First, feed the baby (or change him, or hold him, or etc.), walk Johnny to the bus stop, reset the dryer for fluff, then once the baby is happily engaged with his toes, sit down and write a blog post in less than 10 minutes.
YES! You read that right – Publish a blog post in less than 10 minutes
First, head on over to YouTube. Grab a video that catches your interest. It could be crochet related, blogging related, OR choose a video that makes you laugh.
Second, watch the video.
Here’s the one I chose: Positive Attitude is Everything (especially if you’re having “one of THOSE days”)
Third, grab the share code for the video.
Fourth, write an introduction. Example: This made me laugh so hard I spit my coffee all over my laptop. Add the link to the video to your post.
Fifth, write a conclusion. Example: For more funny videos visit Youtube User Name channel. Try this one and this one for a real belly laugh.
Sixth, finally add a call to action to share on social media, signup for your rss feed, or simply wish your readers a lovely day.
Your Turn: Try it today, stop by Facebook and share you’re Youtube time saving post.