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Crochet Blogging 101: Choosing a Web Host
What You will Learn: Free vs Paid Hosting Options Reviews – My experience The Choice is Yours: Free Hosting vs Paid Hosting Hosting is your ‘rental’ for online space. Without this you can’t have a blog or website. When you choose to start a crochet business or monetize your crochet blog paying for your […]
Why I’m a Self-Hosted Convert After 5 Years on Google Blogger

Blog Has Been Removed For the longest time I wasn’t too serious on the whole self-hosted vs free-hosted topic. Why? It hadn’t really effected me personally. Sure I’ve heard stories about blogs being deleted overnight but I assumed they must have been doing something that caused such an action. (Okay, just spent 30 minutes searching […]
PicMonkey is The Best Free Photo Editor with No Download

This little nugget is one I’m super excited to share with you. I’m not even sure how I found it. This comes from In Katrina’s Kitchen. She did a 4-part tutorial on how to use PicMonkey to make awesome graphics, collages, and use text on photos. Pic Monkey Samples: The possibilities are endless. She […]