Today I have the great honor of interviewing Jessica the Crocheting Fashionista. I met Jessica earlier this year when I participated in a YouTube crochet community. You will love her just as I do.
Like most crocheters she started out by crocheting little things for family and friends. Soon those family and friends wanted to buy her creations and now she has over 400 fans on Facebook and a website where she highlights all her work including her crochet designs.
Jessica – The Crocheting Fashionista
Did you set out to make money with crochet or was it an afterthought?
I never set out to make money by crocheting. I’ve always treated crochet as a hobby first and a business second. It was my family and friends that told me that they were willing to buy crochet items from me and I just went from there.
When did you think “Hey I can make a living doing this”?
I don’t know if I’m at the point to say I can make a living off of crocheting. I would love to in the future but right now I’m still taking my time and working my way up that ladder.
What is the main income stream from crochet?
The main income stream from crocheting for me is selling and teaching crochet.
How do you market your business?
I market my business mostly from word of mouth advertising. I use Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and my website to market my business as well.
How long was it until you really saw your financial goals being met via your crochet business?
The first time I could see my financial goals being met was when I saw my Paypal account growing from all the invoices I send out. My customers paid the second I send them out. I was in shock but from there my goal was met.
Any advice you would give to those just starting out?
Start small and work your way up. Make sure your customers pay before you start making any items. Treat it as a hobby first and a Business second because it can get overwhelming to the point you might stop crocheting. Always crochet with Love.
About The Crocheting Fashionista aka Jessica N. King-Cason:
I’m a Philly fiber Artist. I started crocheting as a hobby in October 2009. I taught myself to crochet by researching online. From there I started my mini projects, making hats, scarves, baby booties, and small blankets. Then I started to make hat sets for family and friends and the next thing I know, I have a little business. My business is called “Jess Handmade Designs”.
My inspiration comes from God, My Husband and our Son (R.I.P.) our Family and friends and my wonderful customers. It was because of them I turned my hobby into a business. I’m also a part of a group called “Fresh Off tha Hook”, they inspire me to create and try new things when it comes to crocheting projects. They are like Family to me.
Hey Sarah! Great to have you back
This is a terrific interview..I enjoyed learning about Jessicka and I found her advice about being a hobbyist first before a business is so great.
Yes, I like that too. I find that the business side (selling, marketing, production) take the hobby out of it for me. Now that I spend my time writing about crochet instead of being a supplier I am much happier (less stressed too). I’m glad to be back too. Thank you.