Join me in the 31 Days of Craft Show Preparation by Blogger Molly of Molly was inspired to do the 31 days challenge when her friends took on the challenge that The Nester hosts each year. (based on the 31 Days to build a better blog by ProBlogger) {Find all the posts Here}
Wow, it’s the last day of the craft show prep series with Molly. She is ready for her show and if you want to know how it turned out for her read her craft show success post. Today she shares her thoughts on being realistic.
What are your expectations for your first craft show?
I don’t recall exactly what my expectations where back during those selling days. I know now that I did not give it enough hard work or time. I know much more now than I did back then and doing this series has taught me so much more.
Image source: Some rights reserved by GoToVan Flickr
Each year the ladies at my mom’s church invite me to sell my work at a show. I give them my work and then pay them a percentage of the sales. I’ve never taken them up on it because frankly my confidence is not there. As a crochet blogger I view tons of crochet during the day and it intimidates me. Here’s some advice on facing reality but not letting your fears get in the way.
4 Ways to Rock Your Next Crochet Show
1. Stop comparing yourself
You are you and your products are your own. You make things with your gifted hands in a way that no one else does. You choose colors and yarn based on your creativity which again can only be done by you.
Image Source: Flickr user GoToVan some rights reserved
2. Step Up and Kick Fear in the Rear
Fear is probably your biggest competition in this quest for a crochet business. It isn’t your fellow crocheter it is that inner voice that holds you back from taking risks and putting yourself out there where you can be seen.
Sure it is scary to open yourself up to criticism but if you look at it through wise eyes you can turn all criticism into growth. Ask yourself whether what was said is accurate, if it is change it, if not then let it roll off you.
One of my favorite speakers is Joyce Meyer. I love her because she speaks to my heart and my fears. She had many of the same problems as I do with confidence and insecurities, anger and judgment. Her big saying is ‘Do it Afraid’. You can do whatever you want to do even if you are shaking in your pants – you’re doing what most don’t – taking a risk and growing.
3. Renew Your Expectations
A successful craft fair can mean different things. For your first fair if you sell out you are way ahead of the game but don’t let that be your aim. Just getting out there, setting up, interacting with others and learning about your target market is a success. One key thing I found through all the research on this topic is that people learned what worked and what didn’t after doing many shows – not just one.
When I first got married I had many expectations of my role as a wife. Many of these expectations weren’t even what I wanted but ideas that were ingrained in me through the way I was raised. It took years for me through trial and error to find what works and what doesn’t. I had to ditch a lot of stuff which I’m sure you will find to be the case with your craft show career.
Good luck on your first craft show and be sure to stop on by the facebook page to share your experience.
4. Failure is Just a Lesson not the End of the World
Keep reminding yourself that the old definition of failure that you grew up with is wrong. Through our failures or ‘missing the mark‘ moments we learn and grow. Can you walk? I bet you fell down a couple times. Can you ride a bike? I bet you fell and scraped your knee. Can you crochet? I bet you rock it now huh?
Running a crochet business is hard work. It takes a lot of physical work but also a lot of mental work. You will love it and hate it. You will try one thing and then another on your path to finding your unique focus. You will fall but you will also get back up. You’ll shake in your boots but that’s okay, we all do it. Grab on and Ride. (P.S. You can wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care – I won’t tell anyone.)
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