{Hooking for Cash 101} Facebook vs Google+ for Your Crochet Blog

Facebook or Google+  

Do you have a Facebook fan page? How about a Google+ page for your crochet blog or business?


I know social media is an important part of your marketing strategy but I must admit I’m really slack in getting these together. (2013 update: I have both)

I recently made a page for my writing on Facebook (deleted).  On Google+ I have one as well. I’m always at a loss about what to post – what do people want? As both of these sites are for my ghostwriter gigs I update them with new articles from time to time.

How do you interact with your followers or fans? Comment Below

Today’s Assignment:

Make a Facebook Page or Google+ page for your blog or business. It might be a good idea to browse other pages to see how they interact with their readers. What are they posting? Also, review why you visit Facebook pages – what makes you click?

Some pages I enjoy are: Kawaii Crochet, Crochetville, and Crocheting Club

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About Sara Duggan

Sara Duggan is a Wife and Mom who enjoys crocheting and writing. She joined the crochet blogging community in 2007 as Momwithahook. In 2008 she toyed with designing patterns and shares her creations on Squidoo. Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest.


  1. Hi Sara, I havea following on both but it seems to me that on Facebook it is harder for people to see what you post. Google + is still the easy one.
    Clotilde/Craftybegonia recently wrote…LaynaMy Profile


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