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Life Lessons – Out of the Mouths of Babes
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Writing Prompt: As an adult, what is the most impactful lesson you have learned from the mouth or action of a child?
500 Words Day 3: Jeff Goins 31 Day Challenge
Today: 529 words
Total: 1317 words
I’m sure every parent feels this way but let me tell you, my boys are the most wise souls. Really!
The following was said by my youngest when he was chatting with his Dad.
“I love you like the ladder to heaven” 6yo
“I love you as the name of God” 6yo
Here’s some background for you. This same child saw an angel at the age of 4. You might doubt but I am 1000% positive he did (nope that’s not a typo I said one-thousand).
My boys were in the car with their Grandma. She fell asleep at the wheel on a highway, crossed the center line, through the bushes and spun out. The car ended up on the other side of the freeway just as a big rig past.
This is when he (my 4yo) said he saw the angel pushing the front of car – I believe stopping the car from colliding with the truck.
He was adamant about seeing a lady in front of the car despite the jeers of his brother.
That day I may have lost both my boys (and their friend who went with them). I’m blessed beyond words that these boys are in my life.
I feel as though I am inadequate as their Mom but they teach me otherwise.
“I love you more than a cherry blossom with a heart in it” 8yo
“I love you for infinity” 8yo
This same child said these words to his Dad while observing the Cherry tree in the back yard. Precious words and such great insight into the uniqueness of a blossom and the concept of time.
“You are a great Mom and don’t let anyone tell you different” 18yo
This is by far my greatest memory. This came in a text message to me as I dropped my eldest off at the airport. He was moving away. I had so many emotions, so much fear, so much regret – yet, this message came to me before his flight left and this Mama cried for a long time. I still have a screen capture of this.
children are our teachers – @momwithahook #children #life #lessons
Growing Up Mom
Much of my “growing up” happened in part because of these treasures in my life.
I am a messed up person. I’ve messed up as a mom many times.
My boys teach me to apologize
To be humble
To take turns
To listen with my eyes and heart not just my ears
BUT the most important lesson that my boys teach me each day is to LOVE and VALUE myself as a person and as their Mom.
They grew up around a sick mom. I was in and out of hospitals when they were little.
Police and Ambulances were regular visitors – scary for little ones.
Angry outbursts
Even with all that chaos they loved me. It still amazes me today.
A child shows what true love is.
True acceptance.
True tolerance.
Children laugh when things are funny and cry when things are sad. They aren’t afraid to express anger and disappointment. They feel with every ounce of their being.
Children are our teachers – Let’s Listen to what they have to teach us.
What words of wisdom or action from a child has changed and/or influenced the way you live your life? Share in the comments below.
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Awesome! I believe we all see angels more than we know! Thank you for sharing this!
Time, that may be. I know somewhere in that big Bible it talks about how we should entertain strangers as we may be entertaining angels unaware. 😉
I imagine Instagram is a great way to share your crochet hobby. I have a 4 year old daughter and I just love what comes out her mouth. Everyday, I ask her where did you learn that word? She has the ability to take all of the tension out of my body with only a few words. That’s what kids can do.
Craig, that’s the truth. Little ones are precious and have a real gift in making the grumpy adults laugh out loud.
Hi Sara,
I’ll be honest… I don’t recollect anything that my child has ever said to me that made an impact. I’m heading to the age of 55, and I don’t get along with my daughter.
Thanks to a bad car accident, I don’t remember much from her younger years. Though, your children sound like beautiful human beings and a joy to be around. Bless your heart.
– Bonnie
Bonnie, memories are funny things. The accident you were in must have altered your entire way of life. Now, to be honest, I am painting a glowing picture. These are my happy memories. I have yet to touch on some of the struggles that plague our relationships.
Aloha Sara,
Children are magical. My oldest is 27 and it still amazes me that just 28 years ago he wasn’t part of my life or my plans and yet today I can imaging life without him or our three other children.
They each had something vastly different from each other; the protector, the jester, the pilot/astralbiologist/firefighter/volleyball playing canoe paddler and the princess.
I am so very blessed to be a part of all their lives and grateful to the woman who shares this responsibility with me.
Great Post… Keep It Up!