I’m reading Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. I’m learning so much about the way I prioritize my day. Many times I put the ‘emergencies’ above the ‘important’ things as Stephen says.
Anyone who knows me knows that I value my family above all things. I quit my job in 2007 because my son, who was going through a rough time, asked me to. I am THAT dedicated.
I also value my spiritual and creative sides. Often times though, I find that they (family + important stuff) get pushed aside for the seemingly immediate (emergencies) things.
Kevin Kruse, a contributor for Forbes.com shared 10 Quotes that Can Change Your Life which is the inspiration for this post. His daughter read Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens in 8th grade. (Why isn’t this required for all students?) Although the book is similar to the original it has snappy little titles that are more suited to his younger readers.
You can read the Seven Habits on StephenCovey.com to understand each habit and how you can use it in your life.
Your Turn: What are your dreams? The passion that you are afraid to speak about for fear of being disappointed? Dive in and push all the unimportant “emergencies” aside and grab hold of that. Make that your number one on your to do list.
Comment below and let me know your favorite habit from Stephen. I like “Love is a verb” because it shows that love is more than words it is taking action and being LOVE.
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Inspiring, and it sounds great. However it is NOT enough. Prioritizing is great, though some of these ” headlines” contradict themselves: like LOVE as a verb= is an action, yet you are constantly dealing with the urgent and not with the important, which makes love fall by the wayside, since we all under time pressure.
To truly prioritize your life is to take an effective look who we are, analyzing our priorities in categories ( business, love life, family, community…….) and THAN look at the goal and work back wards. We CAN”T be everything for everybody and be successful at all things.
In my case it is really easy, since there are No responsibility demands anymore ( my children are raised and I already know I am a louse citizen). All I do is wake up and follow God, our creator. Than I am done with my pressures.
Great way to live.
Hope this helps.
Beate, when I say Love is a Verb – it really is an action. If I say I love my family and put the urgent things ahead of them than my actions don’t support my words.
Love for me is spending time with them.
Of course this is different for everyone as not everyone has this as a priority. Other people like yourself put God ahead of everything.
There is always a balance between Spiritual, Family, Work, and Others. It is tweaking it here and there and not letting fear or other things get in the way of what your purpose or dream is.