Privacy Policy and Sara Duggan respects your privacy and will never use your information without your permission.
When you opt-in to our Weekly Crochet Business Ezine, your email is stored in a database via our mail client.
You can unsubscribe at any time – I hate receiving unwanted mail just as much as you do.
Simply click the unsubscribe link in the email or sign in to your account on to update your subscription. CBB never sells, rents or otherwise compromises the information you entrust.
How CBB Uses Your Information
CBB records your IP (unique identifying address) address when you visit, comment, sign up for email, contests, or otherwise use the site.
CBB uses third-party analytics to help us better serve you, our readers. This provides us with information on what you read, how long you visited the site, and sometimes when you click on an offer.
Sara Duggan, 5260 Agate Way, Carmichael, Ca, 95608. support [a]t] crochetbusiness (d.o.t.) [com]
These terms were last updated 03-15-2016 and can be changed without notice. Any changes made to the above terms will be noted on this website.