Do you know that I’m a Virtual Assistant? I help others set up their blogs and manage their online businesses. I’ve been a ghost writer and content curator since 2005.
I learned how to make Word Press sites, design graphics using Gimp and manage email lists. Angela Wills is a fellow member of SoloMasterminds, the business mentor group I belong to. I enjoy recommending her because I love how she teaches and supports her students.
Why Web Design?
You might be thinking adding Web Design to your Crochet Business is silly but Wait hear me out.
Class Starts October 30, 2013
I am a firm believer in multiple streams of income aka money coming in from more than one place. I mentioned that I’m a content curator above. This takes me less than 1-hour per day and I earn regular income each month from ad revenue on multiple sites.
There are millions of users on WordPress and it’s popularity is constantly growing. That means the opportunity to earn good money providing WordPress services is wide open.
I make all my sites either on Word Press or Blogger depending on what I need. This is money I don’t really have to worry about. It is what pays the bills for my business.
Earlier this year I decided to offer this service to others. ( I make a quick website, add content, monetize it, and maintain it for my clients. This provides a steady income as I charge a monthly service fee. It also earns my clients money via affiliate partnerships and ads. We are both happy.
You Can Do This
You can do this same thing. Did you make your blog? Do you update your blog? Do you schedule blog posts? Do online research? Utilize what you already do and add it to your crochet business. Make crochet specific sites for your business friends.
Want to learn more about how you can use WordPress to create websites for your clients?
Visit WP Designer School and find the four key steps to attracting great clients who stick with you for the long-term.
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